Distant Neighbours / Vicini Lontani

boat names
boat names detail

Boat Names, 2011

Oil on canvas, panels 10cm x 15cm each.

The names are:

Accept, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Generous, God the Opener, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, Cover me my God, God is one Helper and he is the best Helper, Mohammed God, Mohammed Hedi, Hassan Haddon the Sword of Religion, In the Name God it will Sail and Dock, Mohammed, Mohammed the Leader, Good Friend, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Sprig Rabiha Najieb, God Love People who are Patient, Mohammed, Trustworthy Amina, Hassan, Success, Mohammed, Mother of Good Deed, Mohammed Malic, Depending on my God, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed the Leader, Salem good Shape, Mohammed

fish canvas

Fish, 2011

Oil on canvas, 61cm x 67cm

Boat name within.